Polenta with Eggplant and Tomatoes

A delicious Ottolenghi recipe!  I don't think I've made a recipe out of either of his cookbooks (Plenty and Jerusalem) that I haven't loved.  This one is a bowl of warm happy goodness.  To make it low FODMAP, remove the tomato paste.  I  keep it simple by making polenta from coarsely ground corn meal rather than from fresh corn.

Polenta With Eggplant Sauce

A quick primer (or refresher) on Polenta from The Kitchn:
      "Polenta is really a dish, not an ingredient, from northern Italy. It refers to a porridge or mush now made from coarsely ground cornmeal since corn was cultivated in Europe in the 16th century, but was also in the past made with farro, chestnuts, millet, spelt or chickpeas. Polenta is usually made from yellow corn.

Packages labeled polenta mean that the grind of the corn is appropriate to make the polenta dish, but you can substitute regular medium or coarsely-ground cornmeal instead. Don't use finely ground cornmeal or corn flour which have too fine of a consistency and will give the finished dish a pasty texture."